Learning about diamonds is first learning about the "four Cs" of diamonds:

  • Cut
  • Clarity
  • Color
  • Carat weight

These are the criteria jewelers use when grading diamonds, and they're the ones you'll need to understand to buy the right diamond for you.

And then there's the "Fifth C":

  • Certified


Cut is probably the most important, and most challenging, of the four Cs to understand. The brilliance of a diamond depends heavily on its cut.


Most diamonds contain some inner flaws, or inclusions, that occur during the formation process. The visibility, number and size of these inclusions determine what is called the clarity of a diamond. Diamonds that are clear create more brilliance, and thus are more highly prized, and priced.


Colorless diamonds are the most desirable since they allow the most refraction of light (sparkle). Off white diamonds absorb light, inhibiting brilliance.

Carat Weight

A carat is the unit of weight by which a diamond is measured. Because large diamonds are found less commonly than small diamonds, the price of a diamond rises exponentionaly to its size.

The Fifth C: Certified

When you are deciding on which diamond to purchase from Frost & Company, you can always be confident of the value and quality of your choice because all of our diamonds are certified in order to give you the piece of mind you need to make an educated decision. In addition to this we also have GIA trained Diamond Graders on site.